


Above And Below

She'd been kept awake all night by the palm berries clattering on the roof, and when she woke to the sun blazing through the window she'd had enough. Goodbye to all that! she sang, moving the little she owned to the station wagon: her ex-boyfriend's guitar, the camping equipment they'd bought the first year of grad school (their single night on the Suwannee, they were petrified by the bellows of bull gators), a crate of books. Goodbye to the hundreds of others she was leaving stacked against the wall: Worthless, the man had told her when she tried to sell them.

Goodbye to the glass mountain of debt she was slithering out from underneath. Goodbye to the hunter-orange eviction notice. Goodbye to longing. She would be empty now, having chosen to lose.

The apartment was a shell, scoured to enamel. She breathed fully when she stepped out onto the porch. There was a brief swim of vertigo only when she shooed the cat out the door. Oh, you'll be all right, she said, and reached for the silky fur between his ears, but, as quick as a blink, he struck at her. When she looked up from the four jagged lines slowly beading with blood on the back of her hand, he had leaped away. Then he, too, was gone.

She drove past the brick university, where the first-years were already unloading their sedans, their parents hugging their own shoulders for comfort. Goodbye, she said aloud to the tune of the tires humming on the road.

After a summer with the power shut off, a summer of reading by the open window in her sweat-soaked underwear, the car's air-conditioner felt frigid. She opened the window and smelled the queer dank musk of deep-country Florida. Out here, people decorated their yards with big rocks and believed they could talk to God. Here, "Derrida" was only French for rear end.

She thrust her fist out the window and relaxed it slowly. She could almost see her hopes peeling from her palm and skipping down the road in her wake: the books with her name on them; the sabbatical in Florence; the gleaming modern house at the edge of the woods. Gone.

When she looked at her hand again, it was puffy and hot and oozing. She put it to her mouth. When she stopped at last at the edge of a little oceanside town and gazed over the dune grass at the sea, her tongue was coppery with the taste of blood.

Someone had left a cooler on the beach, and it still held a bag of apples, a half-eaten sandwich, two Cokes. She sat, watching the dusk turn mustard and watermelon, and ate everything. Seabirds clustered on the wet sand, then winged apart into the air. When it grew too dark for her to see, she took the cooler back to the car and walked up to A1A to a pay phone.

She was poised to hang up if her stepfather answered, but it was her mother, vague and slow, saying, Hello? Hello?

She couldn't speak. She imagined her mother in her nightgown in the kitchen, a sunset, the neighbor kids playing outside.

She couldn't speak. She imagined her mother in her nightgown in the kitchen, a sunset, the neighbor kids playing outside.

Honey, her mother said. What a treat to hear from you.

Mom, she said. I just wanted to let you know that I moved. I don't have a new number yet, though.

She waited, feeling the sunburn begin to prickle in her cheeks, but her mother said only, Is that so?, absently. Ever since she'd been remarried, she'd had chronic idiopathic pain, treated, also chronically, with painkillers. She hadn't remembered her daughter's birthday for three years; she'd sent empty care packages more than once. One hot July day, when the girl had stared at her sickening bank balance at the A.T.M., she'd considered calling for help. But she'd known, somehow, that the envelope would also arrive empty.



昨夜里,棕桐浆果卡嗒卡嗒地落在房顶上,叫她不得安眠;醒来时,太阳又透过窗炽热地照射进来,叫她忍无可忍。“永别吧!”她唱着歌,把自己仅有的那点东西都搬到旅行车上:她前男友的吉他,他们读研第一年那会买的露 营装备(他们在苏旺尼河上唯一的那一夜,被雄鳄鱼的吼声吓呆的那一夜),还有一箱书。永别了,她离开时靠墙堆放的那些东西:一文不值一她想把东西卖掉的时候,那个男人这样对她说。




在整个断电的夏天里,她都穿着被汗浸透的内衣,在打开的窗户边读书。在那之后,车里的空调就感觉有点太冷了。她打开窗,闻着佛罗里达偏远地区奇特潮湿的麝香味。在这地方,人们用大石头装饰自己的院子,还相信自 己能和神说话。在这里,“德里达”也仅仅只是法语的“臀部”。
















         3)就故事题目“Above and Below”而言 ,思考“上与下”指的是什么,即Above 代表什么,Below代表什么。(有的同学直译为“上与下”,有的同学意译为“天地之外”)。

